Welcome! Here at Rich Confident Coach, we help women who have struggled to build a sustainable, revenue-generating business

through personal branding, strategic marketing, authentic sales offers, and powerful coaching so that they can make more money and impact!

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Hi, I'm Lauren Love!

I’m an Online Business Consultant and Personal Branding Coach.

I’ve been coaching women for over 10 years and built a successful six figure company based on my story and authentic brand.  

Over the years, my clients started asking me, “Lauren, teach me how to do what you did so that I too can build a brand and business based on my unique story and message!”

I began to teach them how to tap into their authentic voice, share their message with the world, and coach their clients using powerful techniques that get results.

Now, I help my clients to build and implement simple and effective marketing and sales systems so they can know exactly what to do to finally relax, have fun, and generate a six figure coaching business that provides reliable income and financial freedom.

Personal Branding and Business Coach San Diego

Here's how we can support you:

Rich Confident Coach
Business Blueprint

Online business blueprint is a 6 week program for coaches ready to go from overwhelmed and not making enough money– to learning this powerful 6 step coaching profit framework that helps you enroll high-end soulmate clients and create monthly recurring income right away.

Rich Confident Coach
1:1 Intensive

This is for you if you want to make significant progress quickly!  This 90 day intensive program is for women who want 1:1 guidance and mentoring on any aspect of your business: marketing, branding, sales, course creation, website, etc.  We work with you hands-on to help you complete 2-3 big goals.

Rich Confident Coach

The Mastermind is for coaches ready to implement the 6 step business blueprint system for authentic branding, marketing, and creating your signature program so you can feel fully confident in your messaging and asking for the sale to create a sustainable, profitable business in the long term.

Personal Branding Coach and Business Coach San Diego

My Story

After my son was born in 2011, I felt the call to give back and start coaching.  In the spring of 2012, I quit my job and started my own coaching business.

I spent those early years figuring out how to run a successful business while also being a single mom raising two young children.  By 2016, I was earning six figures per year.  However, my quality of life suffered because I was burned out, overwhelmed, and didn’t have a solid strategy or systems in place to sustain my business in the long term.

Now, I have powerful yet simple systems to support me to receive a steady and reliable stream of income from my business, and that’s exactly what I’m here to help you do too.

With my support, you can design a unique business strategy based on your goals, values and lifestyle, and implement systems for authentic messaging and sales so that you can build a standout signature brand and receive an abundant, sustainable income in the process.

kind words from clients

“I can’t even tell you how insanely valuable this course has been for me.  Having Lauren’s guidance through this whole process has just been so incredible.  She gave us a really clear playbook for how to go about this and exactly what to do.  Along with that, she gave us the confidence to actually go execute it and really get out there and do this.”

-Sarah Brody, Sarah Brody Coaching

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lead magnet call-to-action.

Here are the extra details of why they would want to sign up for your Lead Magnet.

You can either include the form here for them to sign right up or you can have them click this button to get to your opt-in page.