Hi there, I'm Lauren Love

Welcome to my space!  I’m so honored and grateful that you are here.

Just like you, I’ve had many times of struggle in building my online coaching business. 

My hope is that by sharing my story with you, you will feel inspired to keep going and create your own life of freedom, happiness, and abundance.

How This Broke Stay-at-home Mom of 2 Kids Created a 6 Figure Empire and How You Can Too

I know it sounds cliche.  Really?!

I believe that your story is your power.

I value transparency and authenticity and creating a brand that truly reflects who I am and where I come from.

This is my story…

It was 2012 and I was sitting at home nursing my baby while my toddler was watching Sesame Street.  I went to check our bank balance and we didn’t even have enough money for food, let alone diapers!  

I felt so ashamed.  My (then) husband and I were in debt up to our eyeballs and I didn’t see a way out.  


I felt powerless thinking ‘how could I let my life come to this?’

Then I remember thinking to myself, “I am going to do something about this.”  And it was at that moment that I made the decision to change my life.  To start over.  To start a business that would not only provide my family with the life that I knew we deserved, but also to pursue my purpose and passion in helping and serving women at the highest level.

It took some time for me to figure it out but I was determined!  I immediately hired a business coach and leaped into the unknown.  A few months later I had a website, a YouTube channel, a blog, and I started pouring my heart out.

I got my first paying client about 6 months later.  I really didn’t know what I was doing, I really just started hustling because I felt I had to if I was ever going to get out of my situation.  

I set my intention to make $100,000 because, why not?  It seemed like a magical number, that if I could somehow get there that I would be free and happy and magical rainbows would start shooting out of my butt.  Just kidding– BUT I really did think that all my problems would go away if only I could make enough money.


Fast forward 4 years and in 2016 I had FINALLY achieved my goal.  

I was making 6 figures a year, hit my biggest month of $28k (WOW!), divorced my husband, moved to California, and had a thriving business.  

Clients were coming to me from all over the world.  I launched a successful 30 day challenge that attracted over 1,000 people.  I enrolled almost 100 people into a group program.  


It appeared on the outside that I had it “all.”  But I assure you, I did not.

Behind the scenes, I was tired, burned out, and overwhelmed.  I had no business plan, no strategy, no business model to fall back on.  I was literally flying by the seat of my pants, launching this and launching that, with no thought to how I was going to manage it all.

I had a few team members but I really wasn’t great at delegating as I was a control freak and wanted to do it all myself (I honestly thought it would be easier, and that I could do it better– boy was I wrong!).  


I felt alone, disorganized, and I needed help.

My income seemed to be on a roller coaster, ebbing and flowing with my own energy as I hustled for months (huge influxes of cash) and then I would completely burn out and lay on the couch for weeks (huge drops in income).  

I wanted to be successful as an entrepreneur but it just didn’t seem like I could “crack the code” so to speak.

So I just didn’t give up– I studied more, I invested more, I tried to learn and DO MORE which just backfired on me.  My life suddenly came crashing to a halt when I realized I just could not do it anymore– I had relapsed in my eating disorder trying to cope with the stress of it all and got very, very sick.


I had to face the cold hard truth: I really just could not keep on running my business and life the way I had been.  

I put my tail between my legs, humbled myself, and officially closed my coaching programs, not knowing if or when I would be back.

For the next few years, I allowed myself the space to breathe, heal, and come back home within myself.  

I allowed myself to dream and figure out what I really wanted to do with my career (knowing all the while deep down that I would return to my passion of coaching and teaching someday).  


I discovered the joys of life again– that weren’t tied to money or my business.

I learned that I could be happy no matter how much money I was making as long as I was doing something that I enjoyed, had fun doing, AND was fulfilling in my heart.

I reflected back on my business over the years, did some soul searching on the mistakes I made, and how I could correct them this time around.

What I realized was that I could build this business exactly how I want it this time.  


I could design it in a way that would honor my values, my time, my boundaries, my family, my priorities, my goals, AND my self-care and relationship with God.

I realized that if I created systems for my business then I would know exactly what to do and when, and I would be able to create a steady and predictable stream of revenue.

I realized that if I were going to be able to transcend my old paradigm, that I would have to give up my old way of thinking and acting inside my business AND develop a whole new sustainable attitude and approach to how I build my business.  


Talk about an epiphany!

So I went to work creating my dream business.  

Initially my fear was that it would not work, as I had tried so many times to build my business up and had failed.  

I felt really uncomfortable creating systems as it felt so anti-intuitive and was afraid it was going to kill my creative flow.

I had a belief that taking a softer, gentler, and intentional journey would NOT create the kind of income that I wanted to generate.  I thought that I had to go hard, fast, balls-to-the-wall in order to create massive amounts of money, and I was initially afraid to give up this mode of being, as it had served me so well in the past.  

I was SO wrong!

Now I may not be exactly where I want to be financially (yet!!), but the best part about creating a solid foundation of systems, strategies, and business practices that I could repeat over and over again, is that it automatically guarantees business growth.  


No more having to hustle or “try” to figure things out!


Every week I know exactly what to do, I provide so much value to my community and clients, I show up energized, happy, having fun, and I make a TON of money at the same time!  

I don’t have to spend hours and hours every single week trying to figure out my content, or what program I’m going to have to launch next in order to pay my bills.

Because I took the time to map out my vision and create sustainable systems as the vehicle to help me get to where I want to go, I don’t have to worry.

All I have to do is stay in my zone of genius, serve my clients at the highest level, execute my authentic sales system, and be well compensated as a result.


There really is no shortcut or magic pill.

It really does come down to your systems and processes, and HOW you run your business.

If you’ve built your business on a pile of sticks, then it’s likely to get taken down easily when obstacles come your way.

I’m SO much happier now.  I feel SO much more fulfilled, and I’m on my way to earning my first million dollar year all from ease, flow, intentional planning, value-based strategies, and implementing sustainable marketing and sales practices.


This is exactly what I am here to teach you how to do.  

I’ve been there and I know how hard this is, especially if you’ve struggled with some of the same things I have.

It’s my mission to help women entrepreneurs overcome overwhelm and build a sustainable, fun, enjoyable business that provides you with reliable monthly income as well! 


I provide women entrepreneurs all the tools they need in order to build their own profitable, sustainable business through my courses, private mentoring, and group programs.

No matter what it’s been like for you in the past, you can do this!

I am so honored and grateful to be able to support female entrepreneurs and coaches to create their own personal business and life of freedom, fulfillment and abundance.

Are you ready to join me?

TELL US some fun facts
about you!


Talk about how easy this step is and how to it will benefit them when they do it.


Talk about how easy this step is and how to it will benefit them when they do it.


Talk about how easy this step is and how to it will benefit them when they do it.

kind words from clients